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My Story

Its All In You

When I became addicted, it affected the people who loved me. It was especially heartbreaking and frustrating for my wife and young children. My alcohol addiction impacted my family life as well as my job. It placed a great deal of stress on my wife and family. I used to be mentally and physically exhausted. I would often drive my car with my children in the backseat thus putting myself, my family and the public in harm's way. I reached a turning point in my life when I took a fellow addict to the hospital with failing kidneys and saw myself in him. I wondered what would happen to my family if that was me on the bed. When I first quit drinking, I went through many withdrawal symptoms. I feel that my body is slowly healing from the effects of excessive alcohol use and I feel better than I have in a long time.

I am healthier, happier and motivated!! Now I spend more quality time with my wife and have more energy to play with my children when I come home after work.

Everything has changed for the better and well worth the slight discomfort I sometimes feel without that beer in hand.

I know from experience that the desire for quitting alcohol or any other addictions has to come from you and not someone's need for you to be clean. There is a lot of help available to you. You just have to take the first step and seek professional help for the sake of your family and loved ones.

"prab Gill"

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